Takeaways: March on Washington 2020
Photo/Social media story post by, Ms. Shaneá, a Tennessee State University Alum and member of DST |
1. Speakers - There was a program for the march, that had a plethora of speakers before lining up and heading to the streets. Rev. Al Sharpton was the moderator for the speeches. The speakers included sponsors, legal representatives of victims, and the family members of people who died while in police
Photo by T. Gardner |
2. Messages - It was heartbreaking to hear and see the representatives of victims of police violence. Some stories were very recent and some older (i.e. can you believe the death of Trayvon Martin happened over 8 years ago?) However, you could hear their hurt all the same. The takeaway: Similar to Breonna Taylor, several victims were simply just "minding their own business". They never saw what was coming. Donte Hamilton was sleep in the park and ended up being shot 14 times. Botham Jean was sitting on his couch eating ice cream.
3. Motivation- Someone mentioned group economics in their speech. Trayvon's Martin's mother, Sabrina, told us all to be encouraged in spite of all that we have to go through. She says we were built to endure this, to stand up and fight! Attorney S. Lee Merritt encouraged us to say "Black Power". He said you can't say Black Lives Matter without saying "Black Power" The takeaway: Don't be afraid to say "Black Power"
There is power in "group economics". Group Economics is when a group of people decide to actively and consciously (on purpose) focus on the economic interest of that group to create a growing and secure economy for themselves.
Photo of Mr. R. Dowdy |
In addition to hearing the different perspectives it was also exciting to see the event through other's eyes. Throughout this post are photos that those who were in attendance agreed to share with me.
Photo by Dominick of House of Garcon for "itFactor Imaging" |
Photo by Dominick of House of Garcon for "itFactor Imaging" |
If, Dominick, could describe the #MarchOnWashington2020 in one word, it would be EFFERVESCENT! Dominick traveled from New York and states that it was very important for him to be there! Here is a glimpse of Dominick's takeaway from #MarchOnWashington2020 :
Growing up, I learned in school, and from my culture, about events that took place during my childhood and before I was born. So, for it to be front and center during my adult years, I for one wanted to stand for a cause. I also wanted to be a part of that history! So, when I’m older I can tell the younger generation about my experience and the things I saw for myself. Also, to have done it with the House I’m apart of ,“The House Of Comme Des Garçon”, made the moment even more valuable, because i did it with my family. More than 40 of us traveled from all over just to make this moment happen! As we walked through the crowds all eyes were on us. People stopped us to talk and ask about our House. We are a social club characterized by our strength, sophistication, and fraternity.
Were you present at the march? Did you tune into any live coverage? Did you see or learn anything new? What did you takeaway from the march that you will use going forward? Chat with us in the comments!
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